This weekend, Lord willing, I will be back in the pulpit and looking forward to a full Lord’s Day.
In the morning service, we will be exploring Mark 14:43-52. For a while, we’ve been looking at the theme of spiritual weakness and how the disciples got on a path of that when they argued that they would stay devoted with Jesus to death and, then, how in the Garden, Jesus urged them to watch and pray and, thus, escape temptation, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. In this passage, we see these followers wrestling with courageous following. The problem: they pursue it with misguided actions, forget that Jesus sees the ultimate purpose of all events and ultimately fail to be devoted to Jesus.
In the evening service, we will be looking at Hosea 5:1-15. I alluded to this in my last post. Hosea 5 really unfolds how God is righteous in His judgment. He will punish His people because they fail to look to Him. If they will only repent of their adultery and turn to Him, God would give them grace, but until they do, God will be content to keep them under His righteous judgment.
Hope to see you this weekend and I’m praying that God works in amazing ways through His Word.