I love a rhythm that our church has (which was initially birthed from the practice of Bethlehem Baptist in Minneapolis, MN), beginning our year with a Week of Prayer. This year, we launched 1/2 with my friend Luke preaching Luke 10:2, inviting us to ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into the harvest. The sermon launched (and was entitled) Week of Prayer 2022 and was followed by a Noon Meal in which we prayed and began the year hanging out together.
Luke also developed a Week of Prayer guide to help us have some ways to pray for the unreached who are connected to our church’s international partners.
I’m also super excited about a calendar Luke and his talented wife designed, providing our church ways to pray for our community throughout the year.
So, I don’t know how you intend to begin the year, but might I recommend you spend some time in prayer, allowing God to shape your heart.