As we continue our series of posts on the book Total Church, today we speak of world mission (chapter 6 in the book). As they introduce this section, the authors, Tim Chester and Steve Timmis say:
The centrality of the gospel and the gospel community apply not only on our doorstep but to the ends of the earth. God summons us both to “proclaim [his] excellencies” and to be “a people for his own possession” (1 Peter 2:9 ESV). It is our responsibility and privilege as Christians to be engaged in world mission. (p.99)
What really stuck out to me in this chapter was the following quote:
In the contemporary and often confused scene, mission has become a non-specific and slippery term. But the words of Jesus that close Matthew’s Gospel provide us with a vital compass point. They make it clear that it is Jesus and his word that are the very heart of mission. He is the one to whom authority has been given; he is the one who commands his disciples to go; his name is among those into which people are baptized; it is his teaching that people are to obey; he is the one who will be with them as they go. At the heart of world mission is Jesus and the gospel word.
As we think about engaging the world on mission, let’s never lose sight of the fact that the Gospel Word must be central.