The Choir began singing “In Christ Alone” as worship began tonight. This was followed by a drama sketch, then, we took up an offering for missions and ServantLife, an international missions ministry of Student Life.
Addison Road took the stage and led us in songs like “Grace Is Enough” to prep us for God’s Word. Ben Stuart came and picked up where he left off last night from Galatians 4:4-6. Opening sentence — “Here’s a reality: who you are will determine what you do.” The reality for us as believers is that we are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:26). There is a difference between merely being a child and being a son with all the rights of the family. We are given that new identity, though; we are sons. But God has not left us there. He has put the Holy Spirit to indwell us. We are given a unity with Him. He will give us the energy to live for God’s glory.
After this, Ben launched into a great Biblical theology of the Spirit throughout Scripture. When the Spirit blows in you, you will change. We don’t have the tools in ourselves, though. We are not left to ourselves. Galatians 5:13-14 and v.16 speak of walking in the flesh being contrary to the Spirit. The most miserable person on the planet is those who are living in the flesh but have the Spirit within them crying out, “Abba, Father.” How do we do it, though? How do we keep in step wtih the Spirit. The fruits of the flesh are in direct opposition to the fruits of the Spirit. There are two words that summarize what the Spirit does in us:
1) He leads us. He’s the resident boss.
He leads us by being consistent with Scripture (John 16:13). He leads us contrary to the flesh (Gal. 5:17) He leads us into community (Eph. 2:18). And, He leads us by exalting Christ (John 14:15).
2) He empowers us. He moves us to obey.
We should respond by keeping in step with the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). We should cry out with Augustine — “Command me and give me what You command.”
We ended by singing “How Great Is Our God.” This was such a refreshing word. We had a good church group time and headed back to pack up and leave tomorrow.