Last night, in the final session of our Bible Conference, entitled, “Directives for Loving Relationships” from Romans 12:9-21, Joe Braden alluded to 3 questions from Elyse Fitzpatrick’s book Because He Loves Me. In case you couldn’t get them, I thought I would post them here. Joe was speaking of the importance of “FaceTime” and asked these (found on pp.183-184 of Fitzpatrick’s book):
1) Am I more interested in attending programs (or watching programs) that I am in relationships with others? Why?
2) Am I satisfied with superficial answers to questions or do I wisely and humbly seek to draw others out [Prov. 20:5] for the goal of helping them grow in Christ?
3) Am I transparent about my sin and seeking accountability?
So, how is your love for others displayed in Gospel-centered relationships. Your answers to the above questions would be pretty telling.