For today’s Marriage Monday segment, I would like to exhort you to build a trust in God within your family. I’m always interested in growing to deepen my leadership in my family. I was really encouraged, then, when listening to a Piper sermon. He exhorted fathers to recount God’s faithfulness continually for your family. Our role as parents and specifically as fathers (men!) are to be those who are inflating the joy and trust our families have in God throughout their lives. As helpful as teaching them the alphabet, how to build things and the best way to throw a ball can be, it seems that I give much more attention to those things over against the things that matter. In small group last night, we were encouraged to be about practicing fellowship. This needs to be the case in our families. We ought to be on the lookout for and consistently be seeking to learn “How goes it with your soul.” I want my family to have a trust in God. I want them to see me blessing God no matter what circumstance we face. Let’s build trust in God among our family. And as we “trust in the Lord with all our heart” and “don’t lean on our own understanding” we will be “acknowledging Him in all our ways” and “He will direct our paths”. (Proverbs 3:5-6)