Sorry, but I never posted anything from the conference last week.
Said at Southern had a summary of the conference. They also linked to a live blog of each session by Terry Delaney, which would provide a good overview of each session:
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Terry’s Reflections
Some things that stuck out to me which I’ll remember:
– Seeing my professors from MoBap. Curtis McClain and Terry Chrisope had such a huge impact on me during my college days. It was great to get to see them again.
– Fellowshipping with men. Along with the men from my group (which I thoroughly enjoyed traveling with and appreciated their patience in going to so many bookstores with me) I got to fellowship with old friends (I was on staff at FBC St. Peters, the host church, from 94-96) and new ones.
– Tony Mattia’s bio of Christmas Evans and warning against Sandemanianism. I love biographies and was so encouraged to be introduced to Christmas Evans. Sandemanianism is a heresy alive and well today. I need to beware of it.
– The atonement drives me to humility.
– The atonement should be proclaimed to all.
This was a great conference and very encouraging.