Yeah, camp ended last Friday. We were able to capture the spirit sledge for our Gold Squad. But aside from all that, I continue to be amazed at how God used our camp pastor, Ben Stuart to encourage us. In this closing session, he really simply summarized all that we had seen this week. He read Romans 8:1-2. He began by talking how some things are naturally bent and crooked and unable to fix themselves. This is our condition. We can’t save ourselves. Therefore, we must awake and simply confess: “I don’t know what this day has for me. I can set my mind on the flesh and walk in death or I can set my mind on the Spirit and be in step with Him, living at peace with others.” This should be the battle we wage in our hearts as believers every day. And it starts today. We should pray for help: “God, set my mind on you. Stir in me all you want me to be.” Keeping in step with the Spirit means we are marching together with Him. It is encouraging to find other people who can live this way with you. Ben closed in prayer encouraging us to live this way throughout our lives.
We had a refreshing and encouraging week. Ministry at our project was accomplished with excellence and the people we served were very excited about both what we did and how we did it. They were especially quick to notice how “these students don’t seem like other people.” This gave us an open opportunity for the Gospel. I came back full. Good stuff.
We do plan to return to OBU for Missions Camp next year. The dates are: July 20-24. Our camp pastor will be Neil McClendon and music will be led by Billy & Cindy Foote. Mark it down and plan to be there.