C.J. Mahaney has written a couple of chapters in this book on worldliness. You might remember that I am preparing to do a short series on Sunday nights on this. I was really helped by this book in numerous ways: 1) It’s an easy read. Sometimes you read books and they are a bit tedious, but this reads really well. 2) It’s Gospel centered. Many books on worldliness seem to point to legalism and don’t do this or that. This holds out the beauty of what God’s Word says and then points us to the cross for all of our failures. 3) It’s very practical. With chapters related to dress, the media, music, how we are to “love the world”, and our hearts, there is much teeth to live by in this book. I would recommend it and we will be giving away a copy each Sunday night these next two months.
The other book worthy of attention is:Stephen Altrogge has given us all such help in his book Game Day for the Glory of God: A Guide for Athletes Fans & Wannabes. Stephen blogs at The Blazing Center. This book is helpful for it’s ease of read, Gospel-centeredness and helpfulness as well. The book deals with so many things I’ve thought of but never seen fleshed out in print. Things like how God is the source of all talent, how sports provide joy, what is a way to glorify God on game day, what is the Christian response when we win or lose, and how I can parent my children properly in relation to sports. Since most of the people around me are active in sports, as I read I was thinking of how helpful this has been to me and would be to them. Therefore, I urge you to get a copy and all God to be glorified through your participation in sports. There are some videos available to watch with this as well. Here’s the page on Stephen’s website about the book.
Avail yourself to these two options and watch God affect your life through these things.