I have recently started buying many books through the Westminster Bookstore, which you can visit by clicking the above banner or the one to the right.
Why buy books through here?
1) There books are spiritually sound. When I am browsing books on Amazon, I usually have to be careful and make sure that I have a good foundation for something for which I am looking. At Westminster, I see the latest books that I need to read and can trust who is recommending them.
2) There are books you can’t get at Amazon available at Westminster. They have books published by Ligonier, Banner of Truth and some other publishing houses which Amazon doesn’t carry.
3) They have a section devoted to books by the CCEF. CCEF produces the Journal of Biblical Counseling as well as books by David Powlison, Paul Tripp and Ed Welch. These books are must reads for all Christians.
4) One low price of shipping. Their website boasts: “At Westminster Bookstore you pay one low fixed shipping charge no matter how many items you’ve ordered!” That is awesome!
5) Many books they offer include sample chapters online as PDF’s for free. This helps you to be confident in your decision.
I would heartily recommend you pay them a visit. Browse. Buy. Enjoy.
(Caution: Bibliophiles should use extreme caution when visiting this site.)