Really enjoyed this article over at the Family Room on grace-directing questions by Merrit Anderson. He writes:
Here are a few potential grace-directing questions that you can ask yourself and your spouse when the temptation to stay sin-focused wants to linger around for too long:
What does the good news of the gospel have to say about your sin or trial? About the result and effects of Christ’s sacrifice for your sin? (Rom 5:6-8; 8:1)
What does the gospel seek to remind you about God’s plans for you? (Rom 8:28-29; Phil 1:6)
What does the gospel seek to tell us about practical help for right now so that change is possible? (Rom 6:22; Heb 4:15-16)
Questions like these are helpful in at least two ways:
First, these questions are good for encouraging your spouse to see and live in the mercy and grace of the gospel.
Second, these questions can provide clear indicators of where you can care for your spouse, if he or she is struggling to live in the good of the gospel.
Use these questions for helpful dialogue in your home.