We just finished up a very full day, which began with us checking out of the Galt House Hotel & Suites in Louisville and loading the cars.
We headed over for the morning sessions. Ligon Duncan kicked us off with a call to read the early church fathers, highlighting how helpful they were in so many different theological areas.
After this, Matt Chandler came and testified of God’s amazing grace in his (and his family’s) life. C.J. came after Chandler’s testimony and urged us to prepare our people for suffering. Finally, the speakers of T4G came and prayed over Matt (and others with serious illness) that God would grant healing for His glory and Matt’s good.
The final session was a deeply personal charge from C.J. from 2 Timothy 4:1-5, urging ordinary pastors to be faithful to their calling. Particularly relevant was the insight given in exposing our heart through our lack of patience. Pride was revealed (again sadly) in my life. But it was an encouraging exhortation to faithfulness.
After this session and some singing, we headed to St. Louis. We are spending the night here and in good tradition, ate a German meal at the St. Louis Gast House. After this, we slid over to Park Avenue Coffee for gooey butter cake and coffee. It was an amazing day of fellowship, teaching and encouragement.