Each year, I try to find a big hairy audacious goal for the large roles I play in life (Husband/Father, Pastor, Christian, Human). My husband/father goals usually relate to serving my wife and children better (obviously). My role as a pastor might include a goal to be more humble or to lead with a different emphasis. My role as a Christian includes specific aims I hope to achieve spiritually. And the human involves physical things like diet and exercise.
Some tools I’ve found helpful over the year(s) are:
Don Whitney’s Questions To Ask At The Start of A Year
A worksheet for Mark Driscoll’s sermon The Biblical Man
Plodding through a Word.doc of brainstorms from the previous year
What emerges after spending time in these things includes clarification as to what are the big areas needing attention which I plan to attack in the coming year. So…there you go. Take it for what it’s worth. But plan so that the Gospel is more deeply rooted in all that you are in the coming year.