Today, as you read this, I’m enjoying some silence and solitude at a cabin here in Hutchinson. I’m blessed to have good friends. When I secured this location, he told me, “Now there’s no wifi there.” I said, “Terrific! That’s exactly what I’m looking for.”
There’s a rhythm to life that God established back in creation. After creating the world, on the 6th day, He rested. I’ve noticed over the past few years in ministry (and a family with young kids), but finding times of spiritual retreat are difficult. I spoke with some leaders at Crestview about this and consulted with Meg and my hope is that this year, I will be able to spend some time once a month doing some good soul work.
So, what is a time of silence and solitude about? I found Bob Thune’s post helpful (and I’ve been helped immensely by Don Whitney’s chapter in Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life). Bob writes that this is a time to: 1) Look Inward, 2) Look Upward, 3) Look Backward, and 4) Look Forward. The inward component gets at spiritual diagnosis of my own heart, the best I can. The upward component reminds me it’s about God, not me. Backward traces God’s hand in recent days while Forward hints at where I’m headed, if God wills.
I plan to do some meditation mapping, review some questions from Whitney (these), tips from Buzzard, and Driscoll. Whitney also has a helpful suggested schedule for four consecutive hours of silence and solitude.
Now, having read all that, will you pray that God would use this time to restore my soul? Thanks for reading.