I’m slowly plodding through Andrew Fuller‘s sermons and came across one that really resonated with a lot of what I think about the work that pastors are called to do. This sermon was an ordination sermon that Fuller preached for a young minister’s ordination on John 5:35 — “He was a burning and a shining light.” It’s entitled “Knowledge and Love Essential to the Ministry.” [1] I’d be happy to send a PDF of this short 5 page sermon to anyone who emails me (upper right corner of my site). The call that Fuller gives is to live out the qualities of spiritual light and holy love in the work pastors do.
The simple outline:
Spiritual light and holy love are the qualities which Christ here commends…
I. In the great work of preaching the Gospel.
A) How necessary is it to understand in some good degree the holy character of God!
B) A knowledge of Christ, as the Mediator between God and man, is necessary.
C) A knowledge of human nature as created is necessary.
D) A knowledge of human nature as depraved is necessary.
E) A knowledge of human nature as sanctified by the Spirit is necessary.
II. In presiding in the church of God.
III. In the more private duty of visiting the people.
IV. In your whole demeanor through life.
a few things which Fuller found of use to conduce to these ends:
1) Read the lives of good men
2) Study the Word of God, above all other books, and pray over it.
3) Read men, as well as books, and your own heart, in order that you may read others.
4) Live the life of a Christian as well as a minister.
5) Commune with God in private.
6) Holy forth the word of life, not only by precept, but by a holy practice.
More to come on this sermon later…
[1] Andrew Gunton Fuller, The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller: Memoirs, Sermons, Etc., ed. Joseph Belcher, vol. 1 (Harrisonburg, VA: Sprinkle Publications, 1988), 478-482.