Yes, we are back from our trip to visit the Stickels in North Carolina. There are many things I’d like to say to many people on the heels of this trip, so here goes…
David Stickel is an amazing artist. You must check out his website.
I appreciated getting to know both David, his wife Julie, and their family (Rochelle, Sean, Daniel, Christiana, and Jubilee). They live an amazing life of devotion to God and service to others.
I appreciated all the many who fill up what is missing at Crestview in my absence. This includes people opening up doors, making coffee, running sound, working with the musicians, preaching (Josh’s sermon, Is There Any Hope? is now online BTW), and countless other small things that make the weekend work.
I think that many of us are prejudiced towards internationals, and we need our eyes opened afresh to Gospel realities and categories so that we can relate to them in a way that pleases our Father. This is one of the big lessons that sunk into me this weekend.
At any rate, I should be back with regular posts here soon. Thanks for your patience, prayers and encouragement as this traveling has taken place.