As our leadership team reads through Dangerous Calling together, I try to pull together a devotional insight for us. Here’s one from Chapter 5:
Chapter 5 of Dangerous Calling (if you’re reading roughly a chapter a week) is the chapter we come to this week. It’s called Joints and Ligaments. The point: leaders are not above the ministry of the body of Christ, they are in need of the body of Christ. Using Hebrews 3:12-13 as a springboard, Tripp outlines the critical warning: see to it that none of you has an evil—unbelieving, falling away—hardened heart. He then follows that up with the essential call of this passage: encourage each other daily so that sin doesn’t do its blinding work in you.
Much of this chapter is written to pop the ministry bubble that pastors often live in, devoid of the body of Christ. So, it’s a great reminder for us. The question Tripp began this chapter might be an appropriate way to end: “Who are you and what do you spiritually need?” Know that I’m here for you if you need to talk and I know many of you are there for me. Let’s model the body of Christ in action to our body and see if it doesn’t help our people see how glorious the Gospel we believe is.