This past weekend, the men of our church gathered (we’re meeting 7 times in 2011 to see how we need to gospel to fight the seven deadly sins) to study gluttony. I love it when others gifted to teach in the body can use their gifts. And last Saturday was no different. One quote I enjoyed was from Evagrius of Pontus, who, on gluttony, said,
There is gluttony then, the mother of fornication, nourishing the thoughts with words, the relaxation of fasting, the muzzling of ascesis [exercise], terror over one’s moral purpose, imagining of foods, picturer of condiments, a dissolute fawn, unbridled madness, a receptacle of disease, envy of health, an obstruction of the throat, a groaning of the innards, the extremity of insults, a fellow initiate in fornication, pollution of the intellect, weakness of the body, wearisome sleep, gloomy death.
He was tying in the sin of gluttony to the sin of lust. Really great help! So, are you struggling with gluttony. If so, run to a Savior who has put all sin, including overindulging in food, under His feet.