Here’s an email I wrote to Leadership Reno County alumni yesterday, 8/26/13:
Good Morning.
As you know, my life has recently been turned inside down and upside out (yes, that’s a play on words) and I’ve been thinking about how this relates to our acts of leadership in Reno County. One part of this is a simple reminder that I too easily forget: I don’t have all the answers. Now, I’m sure some of you have different capacities and rebuilding a basement might not be an issue for you, but I’m out of my element. I need the eyes of others. I need their wisdom, expertise, experience, history, baggage and all that’s gone good and bad for them before.
And, if we were all honest, there are countless ways that we need the insight of others. In terms of the competencies of the KLC, we would say, we must engage the unusual voices. But, this is as large a part of managing self as anything. How many of us simply default to our own best-laid plans or schemes and don’t really pursue the insights of others? I know I do. I don’t want to have the mess with the work that engaging others might bring. But, it is an act of leadership to seek out those unusual voices. So, today, remember this simple truth: You don’t have all the answers. There might (probably definitely will) be others that you need to engage. And, as you do this, I believe you’ll make more progress on this issues you care about deeply.
With you in this adventure…