Here’s the email I wrote to Leadership Reno County alums today, entitled “Hearing Voices.”
I’m being serious. Hearing voices might seem like some metaphysical pursuit or some other kind of psychological thing-a-ma-jig. But, one of our contentions is that engaging unusual voices is a very important act of leadership. In a recent conference call, Ed O’Malley said, “Engaging unusual voices is about getting outside your comfort zone. If we don’t build capacity to experiment beyond our comfort zone, we’re less likely able to engage unusual voices.” They are important. So, we’re going to take a couple of weeks and think about this.
Why is it so important to engage unusual voices?
Answer: They see things usual voices don’t. True progress isn’t made without them.
I’ll leave it there for today. Hope you have a great week. And seek out some of those voices you don’t normally.