Here’s my email to Leadership Reno County Alumni for 11/4/13:
Been racing through the KLC’s Leadership Principles the past few weeks offering a review/reminder of the important things that define our activities of leadership. Specifically, we’ve spoken of the gap that exists between our reality and where we’d like to be and seen how it’s not so much authority (which can be helpful/necessary at times in providing protection, direction and order) but engaging in the activity of leadership that will help us make progress. Today, is the simple reminder that anyone can lead anytime, anywhere.
You see when it comes to the gaps of our current reality and where progress needs to be made, we tend to default, I think, in letting the experts handle things. We like to offer up all kinds of solutions on Facebook, coffee meetings and a host of other venues, but rarely do we get our skin in the game. And, yet, this is what is necessary for progress to be made in the gaps of your world. Anyone. Anytime. Anywhere.
Today, what steps can you take to make progress? What conversations, diagnoses, interventions or considerations could you pursue to help make progress on the matters of life that you face? You can engage in an act of leadership today where you are. This is a core defining principle that we believe. So, why not engage in something in someway at sometime and see if it doesn’t help us make progress in those areas we care about deeply.