Here’s my Monday AM email to Leadership Reno County on 10/21/13:
Last week, I wrote about the gap that exists and suggested that to bridge the gap (between our current reality and where we’d like to make progress) we would have to act differently; we would have to engage in different behaviors. At its most basic level, then, what I’m proposing is that you, yes you, engage in an activity. Really that’s what leadership is: an activity, not merely position.
Sure, position can be helpful and is definitely needed at times to give protection, direction and order. But, position or authority may or may not be engaging in acts of leadership. And, when we think about the gap that exists in our world today on some of our most pressing questions, we need activity, not simply more positions of authority.
Today, my simple challenge is this: what can you do to make progress in the gap? How can you engage? What activities can you pursue? Rather than slipping into expert mode and complaining about all the problems that exist in the gap, why not engage in an activity of leadership and see if progress isn’t made on those issues you care about deeply.