My 10/28/13 email to Leadership Reno County alums:
For a couple of weeks now, I’ve been talking through how we go after our toughest challenges, suggesting that it takes a different kind of behavior. You might be mindful of a current problem or reality facing us and see areas in which progress could be made. We call this the gap. And, this gap requires an act of leadership. And, my bigger contention last time was that it’s not so much about the authorities we can get in place as much as people engaging in activity, after all leadership is an activity, not a position.
Here’s a different angle today and it’s relevant as we are gathering people for our 2014 Leadership Reno County Class. Maybe you’ve been reading my Monday emails and wondered what in the world I’m talking about? While I talk a lot about competencies like Diagnosing the Situation, Managing Self, Intervening Skillfully, or Energizing Others, you may want more. Even if you’re alumni of Leadership Hutch or Leadership Reno County, you might benefit from a refresher in this curriculum we’ve been using since the Fall 2009 class.
If so, you are invited and encouraged to apply for Leadership Reno County…even if you previously participated in our program. The curriculum changed in 2009 reflecting a state-wide initiative of the Kansas Leadership Center to help us make better progress in the gap.
I can tell you as one who benefited from this curriculum that it’s helped me in all parts of life. By continually seeking to apply these competencies and principles, I feel like I’ve been able to make progress on issues as I engage in acts of leadership. If this is something you might be interested in, please contact Kris, Lynette or me, and we’d be happy to answer any questions. Thanks for your consideration in this and we hope that by engaging in acts of leadership through better behavior, we can make progress on those issues we care about deeply.