I was reading Baptist Press (who allegedly pride themselves on being “news with a Christian perspective) this morning and came across this story about Mark Driscoll. Needless to say, after reading my first thought was, I wonder if they tried to talk to Driscoll. Timmy Brister weighs in, as does the seminary where Driscoll spoke this week.
I simply think we need to be more Christian in our actions towards (or in this case our words about) others. Driscoll’s not perfect (and that doesn’t excuse his sin) but I’ve also heard him be very transparent about sins and weaknesses. I just think allowing him to weigh in on criticism would show how “sinister” he really is. After all, Jesus said, did He not in Matthew 7:12, in the context of judgment, that we should treat others as we would like for them to treat us. I wonder if this is really demonstrating a love for a neighbor?
Then again, I wonder if my life demonstrates a love for others when I proudly act self-righteous compared to those with whom I associate. Lots to think about in this regard.