Here’s some great things I’ve seen online the past week or so:
Tony Kummer had a post called God Is In the Church Nursery (if you don’t follow Tony’s work on the website Ministry to Children, you must). This post helps show how even nursery workers have a big part to play in this adventure called God’s kingdom.
My college friend Brad Andrews had a guest post on Z, reposted by JT, on Four Kinds of People, using an amazing paradigm from Keller’s Galatians Study. Here’s the chart:
LAW | Relying | Not relying |
Obeying | 1) Law-obeying,
4) Law-obeying,
not law-relying
Disobeying | 2) Law disobeying,
3) Law disobeying,
not law-relying
Check out the original post for more explanation.
Finally, The Resurgence came out with a new wallpaper based on Romans 5:8.