My weekly email to leaders in Reno County is here:
Last week, we looked at the first of the KLC Civic Leadership Principles and today we add another:
1) Leadership is an activity, not a position.
2) Anyone can lead, anytime, anywhere.
I think #2 is more than the KLC encouraging us to be equal opportunity employers. Recognizing that anyone can lead, anytime, anywhere, helps us realize exactly what leadership is. Remember, point 1 was that leadership is an activity, not a position. It would naturally follow, then, that anyone can do this. Leadership is more than a position or being in a position to flex one’s authority. It seems like in the foggy recesses of my mind I have a definition of leadership emblazoned from Lynette and Kris: “Leadership is moving people to do difficult work.” And, this takes more than just those in authority. Leadership takes everyone. We all have to make conscious choices to be leaders in situations that will produce lasting change. Anyone can lead.
Oh, I guess I was reminded of 1 more thought, too. Some of you may know I have 4 kids 6 and under. So I get a regular diet of some of the, how do I say it?, cartoon part of television. We love the Pixar movies and the premise of Ratatouille is that “anyone can cook.” It is rather shocking that the heir apparent to the best chef was a rat. But, anyone can cook. Likewise, in our acts of leadership, anyone can lead. It might be you, in a position where you don’t feel you have the authority to make a difference, yes, you, can lead. Further, if you’re one of those in authority you must remember that you’re not the only person in your organization who can make a difference but anyone can lead. You have leaders all around you.
Let’s remember this principle: “anyone can lead, anytime, anywhere” and see if by holding true to it, we don’t see progress made in those areas we care about the most.