Here’s a post I wrote for our CBC H2Go blog entitled Working Together:
Too often, working together isn’t the reality when we think of church life. If we don’t like something that’s happening, we pack up our toys and head for the church down the road that is doing those things that we like (at least until the next thing we don’t care for pops up). But, God’s vision for the church is much more glorious. He envisions His people to be wholly engaged, working together for His purposes. Hear how this is described in Romans 12:4-5 “For as in one body we have many members and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” God’s vision then isn’t minimizing the diversity that exists, but to allow that individuality to shine as it comes together for one big purpose.
What can you strive to do today to be more wholly engaged to our body? What might need to change? What do you need to repent of? How might you need to act? Today, step into God’s vision and be wholly engaged in His work for you – His glory in a united church on mission under grace.