After emphasizing how the Great Commission (you know, that call to make disciples from Jesus Himself in Matthew 28:18-20) is not just for the 11 disciples, but is really the basic agenda for any disciple and how being a disciple means being a disciple-maker, I was convicted by this quote from The Trellis and the Vine:
The radicalism of this demand often feels a world away from the ordinariness of our normal Christian habits and customs. We go to church, where we sing a few songs, try to concentrate on the prayers, and hear a sermon. We chat to people afterwards, and then go home for a normal week of work or study or whatever it is that we do, in time to come again next week. We might read our Bible and pray during the week. We may even attend a small group. But would someone observing from outside say, “Look: there is someone who has abandoned his life to Jesus Christ and His mission?” (p.43)
This might be a question you need to consider (like I have). What would it look like for you to be abandoned to Jesus and His mission. You’re not exempt from being a disciple-maker if you follow Him. You either obey that or disobey. Maybe it’s time for repentance to begin in those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus.
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