I’ve been one of those Gospel-Centered guys for a few years now, meaning that I see Jesus on every page of the Bible and believe that the Gospel is the message of first importance. I’m preached hard against the cold, lifeless and sometimes dead religious works that many do simply out of duty. When my work on earth is done, I want the greatness of Jesus and not something else to be the motto of all that I was about.
Therefore, I was greatly helped recently by a post on the Biblical Counseling Coalition by Stuart Scott. The post is entitled Gaining A Balanced Picture on God’s Counsel. Trying to summarize an article that is so excellent is very difficult. But, what I would say is, if you’ve ever wondered how being Gospel-centered helps inform your living out the Christian life or if you’ve ever felt a tension in being about the Gospel and “disciplining your life for the purpose of godliness,” then this article is for you. I can’t recommend it highly enough. There’s a MS Word version and a PDF available.
I hope it helps you as much as it did me.