Here’s an email I sent to ministry leaders at Crestview today, 4/10/13:
We continue to think all things Dangerous Calling weekly. Why? Because we recognize that we don’t wrestle with flesh and blood here. There’s spiritual stuff happening all around us and taking leaders in the local church out of the game maximizes our enemy’s joy. So, thanks for taking time to invest in this exercise. We want hearts that are consumed with bringing joy to our Father in heaven.
Having said that, today, a quick thought from Chapter 7 of Dangerous Calling entitled War Zones. Here’s one concern Tripp alludes to:
“My experience with hundreds of pastors (read church leaders) is that many sadly function in a regular state of gospel amnesia. They forget to preach privately to themselves the gospel that they declare publicly to others.
“When you forget the gospel, you begin to seek from the situations, locations, and relationships of your ministry what you have already been given in Christ. You begin to look to ministry for identity, security, hope, well-being, meaning and purpose. These are things you will only ever find vertically. They are already yours in Christ. So you have to fight to give the Gospel presence in your heart. Also, when you live out of the grace of the Gospel, you quit fearing failure, you quit avoiding being known, and you quit hiding your struggles and your sin. The Gospel declares that there is nothing that could ever be uncovered about you and me that hasn’t already been covered by the grace of Jesus. The gospel is the only thing that can free a pastor from the guilt, shame and drivenness of the hide (“never let your weakness show”) and seek (asking ministry to do what Christ has already done) lifestyle that makes ministry burdensome to so many pastors.
“So, in the war of pastoral ministry, are you a good soldier? Remember that the Holy Spirit lives inside of you, and he battles on your behalf even when you don’t have the sense to. Remember too that in Christ you have already been given everything you need to be what you’re supposed to be and to do what you’re supposed to do in the place where God has positioned you. And remember that since Emmanuel is with you, it is impossible to ever be alone in that moment-by-moment war that is pastoral ministry.
Great word there. Hope you hear and are encouraged by the Gospel. Ministry is war. Thank God the victory is ours through our Lord Jesus Christ.