There was a great post a couple of days ago entitled Hidden In the Heart. The writer, in my estimation, was seeking to sound a wake up call for us to not be numbed to the effects that technology has on us, but to redeem them for the glory of God and the good of the Gospel. Here’s a sampling of this:
If we are to be holy we need to hide the word in our hearts, and that means a deliberate commitment to memorisation and meditation. It means a refusal to allow our brains to be trained by the world, a resistance to the laziness that the interweb can breed in our all-too-susceptible minds; it means a commitment to holiness that is willing to re-train and develop the faculties of our hearts contrary to the trend and tendency of the age in which we live, and to make sure that we pack into the armoury that array of weaponry necessary for the constant fight against ungodliness, temptations within and without. We must love that truth, know that truth in its sense and substance, in its particular words and phrases, understand it as a treasure and as a weapon, and learn how to use it in the combat with sin.
I invite you, then, to fight the effect of technology in your heart and soul and fight to renew your mind. With you in this fight…