…from Scotty Smith compiled by Tim Brister. Here’s part one:
A sign you’re growing in grace is less bombast about not being a legalist & more humility because you “get” the gospel.
A sign you’re growing in grace is less theological arrogance & greater appreciation for diversity in the Body of Christ.
A sign you’re growing in grace is you work much harder at remembering names and forgetting slights.
A sign you’re growing in grace is that everybody notices it but you.
A sign you’re growing in grace is movement from destructive cynicism towards redemptive engagement. Anybody can spew.
A sign you’re growing in grace is that you’re less like a drive-by-shooting with criticisms & more of a healing presence.
A sign you’re growing in grace is evident when you receive feedback non-defensively and give it clearly & lovingly.
A sign you’re growing in grace is evident when people don’t feel like they have to walk on egg shells around you as much.
A sign you’re growing in grace is when you say, “I’ll be prayin’ for ya”, and you follow through on at least 50%.
A sign you’re growing in grace is committing fewer homicides in your heart of slow drivers.
A sign you’re growing in grace is praying for our government rather than simply being cynical about our government.
A sign you are growing in grace is that you are more disgusted with your critical spirit than offended by others’ sins.
And here’s part two:
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You’ve actually read Nahum and Obadiah.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You catch people “doing it right” in a 3 to 1 ratio to “doing it wrong”.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You don’t try to take 23 items through the 10 item speed check out line at Publix.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You’re in your seat in the worship center 7 minutes early to pray for the service.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. On a 2-lane-becoming-1 road, you don’t speed up just to jet around 3 extra cars.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. Your repentances come quicker with less pouting, excuses and vain promises.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You throw less pity-parties, because you go to Jesus quicker than to self-contempt.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You talk about your justification 10 times more than your victimization.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You quote Jesus more than you quote Tim Keller.
A sign you’re growing in grace is a commitment to give your spouse focused, unrushed attention at the END of the day.
A sign you’re growing in grace is just grabbing a brownie without looking for the biggest or best crust-edged brownie.
A sign you’re growing in grace is when you use less labels to dismiss people or marginalize their comments.
A sign you’re growing in grace is still being gracious to telemarketers when they call your protected phone number.
A sign you’re growing in grace is a commitment to pray for people you’d really rather gossip about.
A sign you’re growing in grace is not texting or reading emails on your pda while driving, with or without kids.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You no longer simply assume if you can pay for something you really can afford it.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You recognize the subtle ways you’re living justification by sanctification.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. Your spouse and children are the first to notice the signs.
Another sign you’re growing in grace. You get sucker-punched by condemnation for sin less often, but convicted much more.
A sign you’re growing in grace. You don’t use your car horn to curse bad drivers, but appropriately caution & warn them.
A sign you’re growing in grace. The gospel still astonishes & humbles you. It’s not just cliche or the name of your tribe.
A sign you’re growing in grace. If you USED to be a Dispensationalist, you’re not cynical about those who still are.
A sign you’re growing in grace. If you USED to be a Charismatic, you don’t atrophy into dead or dry orthodoxy.
A sign you’re growing in grace. If you’re “finally” Reformed, you don’t confuse knowledge with spirituality.
A sign you’re growing in grace. You realize that Presbyterian and Reformed types are .07% of the entire Body of Christ.
A sign you’re growing in grace. The more you learn about Jesus & the gospel the more you realize how little YOU know.
I know this is a lengthy post, but if you are like me at all, I sometimes puff myself in self-righteousness thinking that I’ve arrived and I’m altogether doing pretty well spiritually. Of course, I would never admit this publicly, because to do so would be to crucify my self-righteousness. Reading these helps me see the far reaching nature of the Gospel’s influence into my life. I encourage you to allow the gaze of God to extend to even those minute moments. May these signs encourage you to embrace the Gospel again.