I love reading the prayers found in the Valley of Vision. Yesterday, in a prayer “Living For Jesus” I read this line and was struck:
Make me…to be not only a professor but an example of the Gospel…
displaying in every relation, office, and condition its excellency, loveliness, and advantages.
Now, many of us (who profess Christ) have no problem doing this on Sundays. We gather with other believers and come to church, putting on a rather good show as to how spiritually impressive we really are.
But, are we examples of the Gospel in our lives? Surely this is the true evidence of whether or not we have been gripped by the Gospel. For instance, in your marriage, are you an example of the Gospel? No matter what difficulty you face, no matter how hard things are with the kids, no matter what things pull at you, does the Gospel get a hearing in your life together? Or are you a mere professor? Think of this: is the Gospel on display in your life in every relation (spouse, children, coworkers, In-Laws!), in every office (every responsibility you have), every condition (this about covers the rest of it)? Do each of these places allow you to show the excellency, loveliness and advantage of the Gospel?
The convicting thought I had in reading this was that often I am a mere professor and not an example. Oh, for grace from God to be one who not only believes the Gospel, but lives it out.