Many of you know that I’ve been hugely affected by all things Gospel. I love the Gospel. It is the message of first importance to me. I want to be a Gospel man. I want it to be continually shaping and forming me. I’ve often preached against having a disciplined quiet time as a means for being accepted in God’s sight, which has probably left my loving congregation scratching their heads wondering, “Well, then, why even discipline yourself for godliness…?” Therefore, it was with great joy that I found this article by Stuart Scott this week.
It’s entitled Gaining a Balanced Picture on God’s Counsel.
In this article, he balances the struggle we have to engage the heart or discipline ourselves and shows how important the Gospel foundation and its proper application can prove in the discussion. I would highly commend this article as a great means to help us in thinking toward a more Biblical way in all things Gospel-centered. Enjoy.