If you’re like me, you occasionally feel guilt in living some part of the Christian life. Whether its being more passionate in sharing the Gospel or honoring God in my body, I feel weighed down with guilt far to often. Maybe yours comes in one of these areas:
* We could pray more.
* We aren’t bold enough in evangelism.
* We like sports too much.
* We watch movies and television too often.
* Our quiet times are too short or too sporadic.
* We don’t give enough.
* We bought a new couch.
* We don’t read to our kids enough.
* Our kids eat Cheetos and french fries.
* We don’t recycle enough.
* We need to lost 20 pounds.
* We could use our time better.
* We could live some place harder or in something smaller.
Kevin DeYoung had some great thoughts on this recently in a post entitled, Are Christians Meant to Feel Guilty All the Time? His reasons we feel guilt:
1. We don’t fully embrace the good news of the gospel.
2. Christians tend to motivate each other by guilt rather than grace.
3. Most of our low-level guilt falls under the ambiguous category of “not doing enough.”
4. When we are truly guilty of sin it is imperative we repent and receive God’s mercy.
Take some time and work through this post for your soul’s sake.