Holiday break is fast approaching and as we think about Jesus coming to save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21), I am going to take Justin Buzzard’s challenge. He recommends we work through this chart this holiday to remind ourselves of the truth that in Christ, we are sons and daughters of God:
He links to a longer version of this chart and while you’re on that page, download Gospel Encouragement to Cheer Up (2nd from the top). (We will be using World Harvest Misson’s Gospel Centered Life curriculum in small groups this Winter.)
I’ll close with an amazing quote from the Gospel Encouragement to Cheer Up article and see if your heart isn’t better stirred to praise Jesus:
The gospel is the best news we could ever hear. The gospel is about Jesus Christ and his power to transform our lives and relationships, communities, and ultimately, the nations. Through this gospel, we are freely given a new identity—an identity not based on race, social class, gender, a theological system, or a system of rules and regulations. Rather it is a new and perfect identity based solely on faith in Christ, an identity that defines every aspect of our lives. We are now forgiven, righteous, adopted, accepted, free, and heirs to everything that belongs to Christ. So even our sin, weakness, and failures do not define who we are. Because of this good news, we no longer have to hide from our sin and imagine that we have it all together, for God knows and loves us as we are, not as we pretend to be.
May you spend this Christmas season honoring the Savior who accomplished these very things for you in His life, death and resurrection.