I love the vision that Acts 29 has for church planting. But, this week, many of their pastors are gathered in Vail, CO for a pastors/wives retreat. This is an amazing emphasis. They realize (rightly!) that for a pastor to be effective in the local church, this must begin in the home. How a pastor serves his wife and family is just as important, in terms of Biblical qualifications, as his theological stances and beliefs (aren’t those two really tied together anyway?).
As the A29 people are modeling this for us this week, what priority does your relationship with your spouse and children get in your life? I know for me, ministry is often busy and I need those regular times to get with my wife on a date and to spend time ‘wrasling with my boys. We have to prioritize these relationships or they will quickly lose their priority. Today, then, find an intentional way to serve your family…