Wrapped up a huge weekend at Crestview.
Before that, though, I was blessed to serve my family on Friday as Meg’s great aunt passed away. The memorial service was Friday afternoon in Coldwater, KS. I tried to encourage them with the truth of Jesus being the Resurrection and the Life. It was a great time remembering lost loved ones with them.
I hustled back to Hutch for a Bible Intensive Retreat with Jim Elliff and Kole Farney. Our Elders had benefitted from this earlier in the year, so we met as Elders and Deacons with Jim and Kole to think about John 10 together. It was rich fellowship seeing Jesus is the Door, the Good Shepherd, The Christ, and the Son of God — truths that must be responded to.
Jim graciously filled the pulpit for me on Sunday morning with a sermon out of many passages in Hebrews on the Dangers of Declension. We included Jim’s handout 5 Resolves for Personal Revival in the bulletin. I know God used this sermon to call me out of staleness to vibrancy and I’m praying God uses this entire weekend in our body to awaken us to the realities of who He is and what He’s done for us.