A letter to my son, who turned 3 today…
I’m really having a hard time believing that you are already 3 years old. It seems like a long time again when your Mom and I were working hard in the delivery room to bring you safely into this world. God was faithful and allowed you to be born. Now, looking back over 3 years, we see that God has been faithful to mature you in so many ways.
When you turned 2, you could barely speak, but now you seem so grown up. Even yesterday when we were going to celebrate your birthday with Grandma Robin, you asked Mom if this was where we turned to go see Bob the Tomato. Mom was quick to correct you and say, “Yes, that is where we go to see Mr. Lansdowne” (at small groups). So you are making headway in maturing.
Our greatest desire, though, is that we would continue to be tools in the hands of God to raise you to know Him. God has only given you one life and we desire that God’s purposes for your life would be recognized and pursued. Our hope for you is not so much that you grow up, get a nice job and degree and then have a happy little family. Our hope is that you will be so captivated with God that you would follow Him in whatever He calls you to do. This may mean you go to tell another part of the world about Jesus or that you forsake the comforts of this life for the enjoyment of the next.
As another year passes by, we praise God for His work in you. May He continue to accomplish all that He intends to in you.
Happy Birthday, son. Your Mom and I love you!