Our church is in the midst of a Scripture memory program. The Elder sit down and try to anticipate what the theme will be on Sundays throughout a year and find appropriate passages of Scripture to memorize. We are in the midst of memorizing Hebrews 1:1-4 now to coincide with our Hebrews sermon series starting this weekend.
Here’s a few encouraging links on Scripture memory I’ve found recently.
Andy Naselli blogged on helping younger children memorize and recently updated that post.
Sojourn Church is memorizing Romans 8 in 40 Days and have a devotional with some great tips. We will be memorizing Romans 8:31-39 later this year.
So, I hope you have this week’s verse down (or it’s in process)…
Hebrews 1:1
Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets…