In Colossians 3 Paul tells those believers who are united to Christ to seek the things above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. In Colossians 3:5-6, consistent with this seeking is a call to put to death, among others things “covetousness, which is idolatry.” You might not think that idolatry is something that believers struggle with, but even John, when writing 1 John to give assurance to believers, closes with an appeal “Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:21).
Related to this was a post on the DG Blog, 13 Questions to Diagnose Your Idolatries. Here’s the questions they give:
1. What do you most highly value?
2. What do you think about by default?
3. What is your highest goal?
4. To what or whom are you most committed?
5. Who or what do you love the most?
6. Who or what do you trust or depend upon the most?
7. Who or what do you fear the most?
8. Who or what do you hope in and hope for most?
9. Who or what do you desire the most? Or, what desire makes you most angry or makes you despair when it is not satisfied?
10. Who or what do you most delight in or hold as your greatest joy and treasure?
11. Who or what captures your greatest zeal?
12. To whom or for what are you most thankful?
13. For whom or what great purpose do you work?
Use these to evaluate your heart and flee idolatry.