On Monday, the conference got rolling with Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, ID, preaching. His sermon dealt with Leading the Home. My tweets were:
As parents, we want our children’s hearts…so show them how to do it. God does this for us. #dgpc
When Jesus was baptized, His Father was there, made His presence known, identified with Him & expressed joy & delight in Him. #dgpc
Fathers need to have a fatherly pleasure over their children. #dgpc
God’s generosity is showcased in John’s Gospel. #dgpc
Calling God Father doesn’t mean He’s male but He’s masculine. His masculity has been bestowed on us. #dgpc all fatherhood is from God
A family is a creation of God. God established this in the beginning. #dgpc
Earthly fathers are masculinity carriers. #dgpc maculinity is the glad assumption of responsibility
Like velvet covered brick, masculine toughness should lie underneath masculine tenderness #dgpc
Biblical headship is bleeding and joyful sacrifice. #dgpc men are called to provide and protect http://esv.to/gen2:15
RT: Doug Wilson: “If you want to preach the gospel to your wife and to your children, then die.” #dgpascon
Fatherhood has a point beyond “begetting” : look at the Manual (the Bible) #dgpc
A father’s authority is for building up. It’s designed for giving and sacrificing for others. #dgpc it should be a gift to them.#dgpc how can we be model without a model? By the Gospel, we can break out of fatherless tendencies by seeing the Father through Christ#dgpc we are able to imitate what we hear about / read // in biographies of fathers of gr8 men, church, missions, etc.
RT: Doug Wilson: “In the gospel, the fatherless no longer are.” #dgpascon#dgpc fathers speak about God the Father constantly whether true or false#dgpc children need fathers regardless of resistance … Strict as God the Father is strict: holy and merciful#dgpc back to Gospel: when you turn to God in repentance, don’t believe He’s like you, receiving you poorly, believe good news. You’re loved#dgpc we’re are called to have homes of grace for all of our children
There are a few things I really appreciated in this session: 1) A clear defining of terms. 2) A Gospel centered focus. 3) the pressing to greater practice of fatherhood in homes. I really benefitted and was excited that we were rolling in this amazing theme of manhood.