Well, we are in the van and on our way to Kansas City (we’re driving into KC tonight and will enjoy good fellowship and “conference detoxification”/wrap up, then get into Hutch tomorrow). Here’s what’s happened since I last posted:
Tues Night’s session was a good finale from Dever. In session 1, he had defined the Gospel and briefly discussed why we share that message. Then, in the Tues AM session he taught, he urged pastors to lead a certain way. In this final session, he came full circle with how we can create “cultures of evangelism” within our churches. It was chocked full of good application.
After this session, our group got together and had profitable fellowship, prayer and discussion.
This morning was hurried and crazy, getting packed and loaded up. But the session was outstanding. Michael Oh was the missions speaker and he emphasized fasting and missions. He dealt with some questions that really made me think a lot about where I am at as a pastor sending money to the missions field.
We ended with a Q & A with all the speakers.
We are full, like we have just experienced a spiritual buffet. There is much to think and about weigh, so we are hoping for good discussion and fellowship on our return home. Pray to that end.