I’ve had people nagging me for some time to join Facebook. For me personally, it is time consuming enough simply to get posts on a blog and I find my blog helpful in helping me catalog helpful things I’ve found online. It also makes it easy to recommend a site to someone to have them visit my site, where I’ve linked to it.
Facebook is more than these things, though. A recent report said the average user of Facebook spends 3 days messing with it over the course of a year. Couple this with a recent report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project, which says that their can be some positives in new media.
Here’s the rub for me: the Bible commends the local church as the community in which life is to function. People will, for instance, get on Facebook and communicate for everyone what their struggles are or what’s happening in their lives, but not even communicate those things in a small group or with the Elders or people in the local church (unless those people are “friends on Facebook”). I don’t think this should be. Maybe I need to get on Facebook and become friends with all the people in the church that are on it (so I can effectively shepherd). I don’t know. It just seems to be a disconnect. Sure Paul wrote letters to communicate with churches and we do have amazing gifts in technology. But there is still something unique about practicing the one anothers with, well, one another. How can these be balanced?