I’m trying to do a better job this year of keeping track of books I’ve completed reading. For those who are curious about how I do this, I use Evernote and have a note called “Books I’ve Read in 2018” which I add to as I finish a book. There are some books/things, I’m always working in like the Bible (I use ESV in daily reading and rotate translations depending on what I’m studying), Sonship (a course I’m working through with a mentor), as well as Crestview’s Leadership Pipeline material.
In January 2018, though, I was able to finish the following (some of these for the 2nd time):
Desiring the Kingdom – James K. A. Smith
Imagining The Kingdom – James K. A. Smith
Many in my theological circles are raving about these books. I found them helpful in propelling a Christian worldview and engaging the culture
Night Driving – Chad Bird
I love Chad Bird’s honest, thought-provoking, Gospelicious devotional insights and this didn’t disappoint.
Building a Story Brand – Donald Miller
I preordered this book and finally finished it this month. Miller helps people carrying content to the masses (be it business or any other piece of information) in ways that resonate and help them want more.
When – Daniel Pink
I heard an interview with Pink on Donald Miller’s Storybrand podcast and found this to be a helpful way of considering time.
J.I. Packer’s article “Theology and Wisdom” in The Way of Wisdom
I did some reading this month on wisdom literature in the Bible and this article by Packer was excellent.
The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text – Sidney Greidanus
This was a fun read on preaching and helping us say what we need to say for modern ears. Again, I slowed down a bit and worked through the section on wisdom literature. But overall, this book was encouraging.
Supernatural Power for Everyday People – Jared Wilson
The Holy Spirit is underrated in many of the theological circles I find myself at home in. And, this book by Jared Wilson didn’t disappoint. I preordered to get some extras from the author. If you’re looking for a great dive into the person and work of the Holy Spirit, I’d highly recommend this.
So, it’s been a productive January (in terms of reading). I’m looking forward to what February holds.
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