I’ve been greatly helped in recent days by 3 books that have come out on leadership in the local church.
The first one was Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp. Tripp goes after the heart of every pastor. When I preached on Hebrews 13:17 recently, I was reminded, convicted afresh and challenged to be a man who is worthy of a congregation’s trust and support. Tripp helps expose the selfish tendency pastors have in ministry and then soothes us with deep, Gospel realities.
Secondly, Dave Kraft’s Mistakes Leaders Make has been another eye opener to be aware of some common pitfalls that can come our way in pastoral leadership and to choose a better path, that glorifies God and serves the good of the people (and ministry). I’m still in this one, but have been very encouraged so far.
Finally, Al Mohler’s Conviction to Lead has proven helpful to seeing how leadership looks from an overarching and thoroughly Christian worldview. Mohler deals with a leadership point and fleshes that out from Scripture and experience to point us in truth. Honestly, I’m still in this and have been using it as a springboard for prayer in devotions.
Each of these books are very helpful in their each unique way in fostering healthy leadership for pastors in local churches and I commend them each to you.