Last weekend, I highlighted 3 books I had finished and over the weekend I finished up a few more:
40 Questions About the End Times by Eckhard Schnabel
Schnabel is a first class scholar and the 40 Questions series are a very accessible set of books. What I appreciated about this overview of many of the questions we have about the end times was how thoroughly Biblical he was. Part of the struggle in end times is deciphering what’s literal and what’s figurative in the apocalyptic genre (Revelation isn’t the same genre as say one of Paul’s letters). Schnabel helps navigate the waters with a thorough Biblical case. One other practical things that makes this appealing is in helping one see how different interpreters have erred and seeking to avoid that. Really helpful piece.
Rose Guide to End-Times Prophecy by Timothy Paul Jones
I am working through this book right now and have found it very helpful in again, thinking about the 10,000 foot level of eschatology. One thing I love so far is how centered on Jesus the book is. One frustration I have about end times fanaticism is that the interpretations can leave Christ on the curb and other things are sensationalized and showcased. Jones helps the reader see how different schools of thought are making much of Christ and what this means for the average person out there. This book also helps by bringing end times things throughout the history of the church, and, in this, helps all readers.
Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations: Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in Global Mission by George Miley
Last month I attended a conference at a missions agency to help local church missions committees think about their role in relation to both the church and the call to reach the nations. At that conference, one resource that popped up in a few quotes was this one. I gave this a quick read and found many things helpful. This book helps highlight a methodology for church planting. But, in a deeper way, shows a love for the local church and the strength she can wield in planting churches internationally. The church can be about God’s work and I was encouraged in this regard by this book.
Hope you’re enjoying your summer reading.