As for what I’ve been up to lately…I’ll post more tomorrow on another personal side, but I’ve been prepping for preaching through the book of Hebrews in my spare time. The usual rhythm of a pastor who preaches through books of the Bible is lots of studying. Prepping to preach through difficult passages in Colossians has been fun. Currently, we are making our way through the end of chapter 3. The end of this book is in view (only 3 sermons after Sunday). After a Thanksgiving sermon and a brief series on Advent (Love, Joy, Peace, Hope), I plan to preach a series on the Lord’s Prayer in the month of January. To prep for that I’ve re-read Paul Miller’s The Praying Life in recent days and was freshly edified and convicted.
But, having said all this, a bulk of my time is spent on researching the book of Hebrews. Here are some things I’ve taken/am taking in:
The Book of Hebrews itself. I type it on onto single spaced pages and read the text over and over again (in the ESV of course). On the study leave I’ve been granted (keep reading), I hope to work hard in the Greek text.
Thomas Mann’s Oxford Guide To Library Research. I’m reading this to be a good steward of a study leave the elders of Crestview are giving me for a week in November.
George Guthrie’s Structure of Hebrews has been really helpful, but at a whopping $206 on Amazon, I got it through Interlibrary Loan at at my public library.
Four Views on the Warning Passages of Hebrews was helpful to show the different interpretive schemes among calvinistic and arminian Bible interpreters. The charitable tone of the scholarly debate printed in this book was also encouraging.
I downloaded Edwards’ Notes from the Blank Bible on Hebrews.
I have a used copy of Charles Simeon’s Horae Homileticae coming in the mail (on Hebrews).
Some commentaries I had, of which I have read the introductions are:
Kent Hughes 2 Volumes on Hebrews
F.F. Bruce’s contribution to the NICNT on Hebrews
O’Brien’s recent release in the Pillar Series on Hebrews
Allen’s latest NAC release on Hebrews
John Owen’s abridged commentary on Hebrews in the Crossway Classics Series
Guthrie’s NIVAC on Hebrews
Other books that have proven helpful:
McCheyne’s sermons on Hebrews
Philip Hacking’s Day One book Opening Up Hebrews
David Dickson’s Short Exposition of Hebrews
Driscoll’s section on Hebrews in A Book You’ll Actually Read on the NT
Fee & Stuart’s intro to Hebrews in How To Read the Bible Book by Book
Roger Ellsworth’s section on Hebrews in Guide: The Bible Book by Book
Carson, Moo & Morris’ chapter on Hebrews in Intro To The NT
Notes from Alan Tomlinson‘s class on General Epistles from Seminary
I taught through Hebrews to High School Students in the Fall of 2001, so I am reviewing those notes.
George Guthrie’s intro to Hebrews in Commentary on the NT Use of the OT is helpful.
And I also read George Ladd’s chapter on Hebrews in Theology of the NT
Lig Duncan also has his teaching through Hebrews manuscripted online
On top of all of this reading, I’m listening to the following, which were free downloads:
Steven Lawson’s sermons on Hebrews at GBC’s 2006 Bible Conference
D.A. Carson’s 3 sessions at the J.B. Gray Lectures at Southern Seminary on the NT use of the OT, specifically related to Hebrews
Dick Lucas’ Instruction on Hebrews as part of the Proclamation Trust
Richard Gaffin’s Theology of Hebrews on Westminster Seminary’s ITunes U
Matt Chandler’s Series on Hebrews
John Piper’s Sermons Through Hebrews
Mark Dever’s Overview of Hebrews
I very much identify with Ecclesiastes 12:12: “Of making many books there is no end, and much study is weariness to the flesh.” I want to steward my time in this book and especially on the gift of study time from the Elders well, so I am working hard to hit the ground running.