Continuing my series of posts on Christopher Ash’s book The Priority of Preaching, we come to a quote on p.57…
This has implications for the size of churches. It places a question mark over the ambition of church leaders to see their churches grow and grow, and suggests that planting new churches or reinvigorating smaller existing churches may reap relational dividends in terms of how well those with pastoral oversight can know their people.
This quote comes in a section where pastors are encouraged to be with a specific people week by week, spending time with people. Ash’s point is not against church growth, but on a deeper level, calling readers to realize that by knowing our people and their knowledge of us, we can preach in ways that engage our people better.
This is yet another reason why I believe pastors should be moving all the time, seeking to pad their resumes or getting more money at a bigger church. Check your motives. God may call us to faithfully give His Word to a group of people for good reasons. We should do this with joy, honoring our Master. Be faithful to this calling.