At CrestviewKids tonight, we are having a Parent’s Night at 6PM. This means a meal followed by singing the songs we’ve taught the children, the memory verse and summarizing the lessons under one big heading with a craft that supports it. I love Parent’s Nights.
This night, in particular, we are looking at two months: November and December. The November verse was 2 Corinthians 9:7 on giving and the December verse was 2 Corinthians 13:14, a clear verse on the Trinitarian flavor of the Bible.
The five lessons we will summarize are:
The Triumphal Entry – Jesus entered as a king; people plotted to kill Him.
The Widow’s Offering – Man looks outward; Jesus knows our hearts.
Jesus Washes The Disciples’ Feet – Jesus came to serve and calls us to do the same.
The Last Supper – Jesus is our Passover Lamb to be slain.
Jesus Promises to Send The Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit reveals to us who Jesus is.
There’s a lot that can be said about all of these lessons, but if we take their message together what rings true is that Jesus came on a mission to serve by giving His life.
His Triumphal Entry positioned Him to be in Jerusalem and even though He was hailed as a king, people were plotting His death. His dealing with the Widow’s Offering assures us that He’s God and He knows our true selves, pointing us to our need of atonement. His washing the disciples’ feet shows His life was meant to serve. The Last Supper clearly connects Jesus’ work to dying. And in promising to send the Holy Spirit, we’re shown that God wants us to understand why Jesus came to earth.
I hope you will look to Jesus this holiday season and find Him to be the One worthy of your belief and worship.